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I'm sure most of you will agree that it's always nice to receive a surprise in the post or on this occasion my e-mail inbox. On checking my mail last night I saw that I had received a message from former hawkwind vocalist Bridget Wishart. This in itself is nothing unusual as regular visitors to the museum will be aware that she not only got in touch a while back (click here) and was then kind enough to do a little interview via e-mail (click here) and from this we keep in touch as and when time permits. A while ago she did say that there were some pictures she had from her time with the hawks and said that if she ever got around to sorting them out she'd send them on to me. Now it's not my tactic to hassle folks when they offer stuff and this was especially so as far as Bridget was concerned, for a start she now has a young family and at the end of the day Hawkwind is something that is well and truly in the past for her and I was more than pleased with the stuff she had already done for the museum. However good to her word the pictures turned up and I'm sure you'll agree that they are worth seeing. Rather than the usual rubbish that comes with my usual photo galleries, or put another way my distinctly hit and miss attempt at humour, on this occasion I'll just leave it at a few comments that Bridget herself added on the accompanying e-mail.

Once again Bridget - thank you very much!


I've chosen a few that show how effective Pogles light show was in conjunction with the band and the stage gear.( Back in the Box and Angels of Death)

I used the semaphore flags and radiation suit at the start of the show.....I usually signed something like 'Prepare for take off'

The skeleton suit was already on underneath and I'd dash off and put the triple mask on for Angels of Death.

The bald head,goggles and white boiler suit was worn for Back in the Box and the suit,hat,tie,beard and white gloves was for Reefer was a time consuming costume to get on, only made possible cos it was our encore track.


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"Prepare for take off!"

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"Angels of Death"

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"Back In The Box"



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"Reefer Madness"